Monday 26 August 2024

to acquire a language you need lots of comprehensible input

Over the years, this blog has looked at Stephen Krashen's ideas on 'acquiring' rather than 'learning' a language - through getting lots of 'comprehensible input':

Jay Doubleyou: krashen and second language learning

Jay Doubleyou: how to acquire a language in one year - and not 'to learn a language'!

Jay Doubleyou: "focus more so on input & absorbing the language"

It's something which educators are still very enthusiastic about.

This is a clear and simple summary of the Krashen approach:

How To Master Any Language: Comprehensible Input - YouTube

Here's an excellent overview of what 'the acquisition method' is all about - with personal experience and some great notes:

How to Learn a Language: INPUT (Why most methods don't work) - YouTube

Speaking is actually not the priority - as this polyglot notes:

How I Learn To Speak Foreign Languages Without Talking To People | Polyglot Language Learning Tips - YouTube

Here's a nice presentation to finish things off:

Stop forcing output and embrace input as the way of Language Acquisition! In this video Jeff Brown, professor, polyglot, and part-time stand-up comedian talks about the pitfalls of too much output and the benefits of input.

It's all about Input! - YouTube




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