Tuesday 13 August 2024

public schools, school choice and the "parents' revolution" in the united states

Where does the model of public schooling come from?

Jay Doubleyou: the prussian school system and the factory model of education

What are the alternatives to public schooling?

Jay Doubleyou: homeschooling and deschooling

Jay Doubleyou: self-directed education

And what are the current debates around education in the United States:

Jay Doubleyou: banning books, the school curriculum and critical race theory in the united states

Jay Doubleyou: issues around school and education

These are very heated debates:

Religious debate heats up over what Texas students should learn | The Texas Tribune

About half of Americans say public K-12 education is going in the wrong direction | Pew Research Center

Teachers Say They Have Little Influence in Curriculum Debates

Controversial school topics: How Americans really feel

Debate over 'parental rights' is the latest fight in the education culture wars - ABC News

BBC radio goes to Arizona:

‘School choice’: Why are parents opting out of public education for their children?

The so-called ‘parents’ revolution’ is happening in America - and it’s a revolt against the public education system. School choice campaigns are gaining ground across the country, fighting for tax-funded vouchers giving parents the opportunity to select their preferred school. More and more families are ditching institutions altogether, with homeschooling reportedly the fastest growing form of education in the US. Why are families turning away from traditional schooling, and what does this mean for the future of America’s education system? Alex Last travels to Arizona - a state at the forefront of the school choice movement - to find out more.

Crossing Continents - Rejecting public education in Arizona - BBC Sounds

What's the system in your country - and are there any pressures to change it?

Jay Doubleyou: explaining how your country's education system works




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