Saturday 26 December 2020

self-directed education

Education doesn't need schools:

Jay Doubleyou: deschooling society

As pointed out by the FEE think tank, covered on these pages:

Jay Doubleyou: education happens beyond the classroom

Jay Doubleyou: we are now entering the 'imagination age' >>> schooling was for the industrial era, unschooling is for the future

Here's another, recent piece from the FEE:

FEE’s Essential Guide to Self-Directed Education - Foundation for Economic Education

And here's another essential guide:


What Is Self-Directed Education?

Education that derives from the self-chosen activities and life experiences of the person becoming educated.

Let’s start with the term education. In everyday language people tend to equate education with schooling, which leads one to think of education as something that is done to students by teachers. Teachers educate and students become educated. Teachers give an education and students receive this gift. But any real discussion of education requires us to think of it as something much broader than schooling.

Education can be defined broadly in a number of ways. A useful definition for our purposes is this: Education is the development and sum of everything a person learns that enables that person to live a satisfying and meaningful life. This includes the kinds of things that people everywhere more or less need to learn to fully inhabit their bodies and navigate a complex, changing world. ...

What Is Self-Directed Education? | Alliance for Self-Directed Education

With more from this group:

Alliance for Self-Directed Education | Home Page

And here:

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