Wednesday 9 December 2020

hibernating language schools

It's been a difficult time for the teaching English industry:

Jay Doubleyou: how are english language teachers doing?

Jay Doubleyou: how is the english language teaching industry doing?

This is from an excellent piece about the state of schools - and how to find out for yourself:

Is hibernation the answer to a Covid Christmas?

Melanie Butler tries to sort out what’s going on with school closures.

To be fair to my fellow hacks, in the midst of a global pandemic where schools have been ordered to open and close their doors like cuckoo clocks, it’s astonishingly difficult to find out what is actually going on.

In the UK and Malta, for example, the only way you know that a school has closed is when they disappear from the accreditation lists. But even then they can suddenly appear again...

No wonder the Gazette is inundated with e-mails from agents demanding to know if a certain school is in trouble. (Answer: if it is in the UK, check for free at Companies House where all companies’ financial information is available. If it isn’t in the UK, we’re not going to pay to find out for you.) Also, see our updated list of UK school closures and changes to legal status...

Bring on hibernation. Show us all to the bear cave. We need some rest.

Is hibernation the answer to a Covid Christmas? | E L Gazette




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