Monday 3 June 2024

"focus more so on input & absorbing the language"

There are some ways to try learning a language - and there are other ways.

Here's the opinion and experience of once language learner and teacher:

I tried for about 10 years on and off to learn Chinese. Like most people who try to learn a language I got nowhere. I watched all the YouTube videos of polyglots and it felt like they had something I didn't. Eventually the penny dropped and I realised anyone really can learn a new language if they have the right approach. My goal is to help others achieve their aim of learning a foreign language

Learn ANY Language Effortlessly with this LAZY Method - YouTube

Herer are some comments from that:

So to recap: Focus more so on input & absorbing the language Focus more on ‘revision’ in the sense of strengthening the connections in your brain of what you already know. Sounds grand. 
I’m using Duolingo for a while which I find is doing great for me but I don’t want to limit my learning of a language to just that. I’ve started watching videos that are really helpful and trying to find other ways of absorbing the language. 
Your approach is practical for people with busy lives but what I will say is depending on the language I do think it’s key to learn the basic grammar rules and a bit of vocab first before you start this more passive approach. That way, you have a place to start when listening your target language.

And here's another video by Matt Brooks-Green:

This LAZY METHOD Changed How I Learn Languages - YouTube

Here he interviews Dr Bill VanPatten about language acquisition:

Ex-Professor Reveals How to Learn a Language - YouTube

Ex-Professor Reveals Way to REALLY Learn Languages (according to science) - YouTube

With more on this approach:

Jay Doubleyou: krashen and the comprehensible input theory

Jay Doubleyou: how to acquire a language in one year - and not 'to learn a language'!

Jay Doubleyou: krashen and second language learning




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