Wednesday 18 September 2019

class is the big issue in the united kingdom: part three

'Class' defines us in Britain:
> It's our calculator.
> It starts very very early on.
> It's something politicians can be very insensitive about.
> And it's something which fascinates the media:
Jay Doubleyou: class is the big issue in the united kingdom: part one

Is Brexit a class war or culture war?
Jay Doubleyou: culture wars

The question is quite heated:
Jay Doubleyou: brexit and the culture wars
Jay Doubleyou: 'I have met many people who earn way more than £30,000 and have literally no discernible skills, not even one.'

And there's a lot of history involved:
Jay Doubleyou: social realism and the kitchen sink drama

Here's a posh TV series and a posh school:
Jay Doubleyou: the british class system

And here's the other end:
Jay Doubleyou: low literacy levels in britain
Jay Doubleyou: "drunk stupid brits"
Jay Doubleyou: neets
Jay Doubleyou: immigration part 2

We can compare with other countries:
Jay Doubleyou: neets - again

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