Thursday 30 June 2022

to practice your english, it still makes sense to spend time in an english-speaking country

Earlier in the year, Liz Granirer wrote on which countries were attractive for English language students:

According to the Emerging Futures research by IDP, an Australia-based leader in global education services, the most popular countries for international study are Canada, the USA and, sharing third place, the UK and Australia.

The reasons for these rankings are as follows: Canada is number one (with 26% of respondents giving it as their first choice) due to its post-study work policies and welfare. While the USA (which attracted 20% of respondents) and the UK (with 19% of respondents) were both perceived as offering the best education, the UK isn’t perceived as offering employment opportunities to its international graduates, particularly among Indian students.

“The results of this comprehensive research are clear,” says Simon Emmett, CEO of IDP Connect. “For competing destinations to remain competitive they must deliver a positive experience and positive outcomes for students, whilst improving the ways in which they communicate this with future students.”

Which country attracts the most international students? | E L Gazette

It does seem then, that to practice your English or Spanish, it still makes sense to spend time in an English/Spanish-speaking country:

Living in English-Speaking Regions | Employment & Education Buzz

But it won't be easy:

Can You Really Learn a Language by Moving Abroad? - Migrating Miss

How does living in an English-speaking country help you with speaking English? - Quora

Here are some tips to make it a bit easier:

8 Ways to USE English while living in the USA - YouTube

9 TIPS for English learners in English-speaking countries! | mmmEnglish

But which 'English-speaking countries'?

67 English Speaking Countries & More: A Huge & Helpful Guide

15+ Best English Speaking Countries to Visit -




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