Monday 23 May 2022

people know a lot about britain - but british people don't know very much about other people - so, what sort of questions could a british person ask people from other countries if they wanted to get to know them better?

Here's a nice list of all those things you know about Britain:

50 things we love about the UK (and know you’ll love too) ‹ GO Blog | EF GO Blog

And a list of what the British think they know about themselves:

Jay Doubleyou: brexit: and what the british think of themselves

But the British don't know very much about other people.

Including their nearest neighbours:

Why do British people know so little about Ireland?

“And that’s one thing that we actually find hard to understand because, you know if you grow up in Ireland, you know, we speak English as our first language, most of us do anyway. We watch the BBC, you know, we watch your television, your news. We really understand a lot about Britain, but I think a lot of British people don’t understand a lot about Ireland, including your politicians ..." 

Varadkar blames British ignorance of Ireland for Brexit impasse

Some of that has to do with not speaking another language:

Jay Doubleyou: why are native english-speakers "the world’s worst communicators"?

Jay Doubleyou: why don't the british learn foreign languages?

And some of it has to do with having had an empire:

Jay Doubleyou: inglorious empire - what the british did to india

Jay Doubleyou: what we think about the british empire - 70 years after the partition of india

So, what sort of questions could a British person ask people from other countries if they wanted to get to know them better?

50 Questions To Ask Someone From A Different Country

250+ Not-Boring Questions To Connect And Get To Know Someone

What will you ask someone from another country? - Quora



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