Friday 11 March 2022

increasing vocabulary by playing word games

We love playing games:

Jay Doubleyou: fun and games in the language classroom

Jay Doubleyou: atelic activities

Jay Doubleyou: learn english through gaming

Jay Doubleyou: gamification in learning

Jay Doubleyou: brain food for word games, logic problems and puzzles

Here's another great piece from Liz Granirer of the EL Gazette:

Word games can pay off

Wordle, the five-letter online word game, has become a worldwide addiction, but as well as being the way many of us now start our day, it also appears to have a place in learning English.

As reported in, writer Anjoo Sharon Navin explains: “Vocabulary quiz games, crossword puzzles and the recent popularity of the word game has garnered success and made people belonging to different age groups develop a new penchant for learning new English vocabulary words.”

Researchers at Talking Hull, part of the University of Hull, agree, telling the site: “Language learning can be ‘high stakes’ or pressurised and games can help with this. People can often feel stressed when learning languages, particularly if English is studied as an academic subject and their future progress depends on learning the language.”

However, the nature of games, with motivational words when you get the correct answer and no penalty if you don’t, take the pressure off.

Of course, no one is suggesting you can become fluent in English by playing word games, but it could be another way of increasing vocabulary, one Wordle at a time.

Word games can pay off | E L Gazette

As well as Wordle, there are lots of other word games to help you with your vocabulary:

Word games develop vocabulary - Thinking Talking

The Best Vocabulary-Building Apps and Games | Apartment Therapy

Playing with Words: The Fun Way to Expand Your Vocabulary : Teachers at Work |

Simple Vocabulary & Word Games for Adults: #1 List in 2022

Building Vocabulary Through Fun and Games | Edutopia

10 Vocabulary Activities and Games - YouTube

5 minute vocabulary games - YouTube




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