Wednesday 26 January 2022

how to be open to other people's opinions

We are all 'biased' in one way or another:

Jay Doubleyou: how to spot media bias

Jay Doubleyou: wikipedia and bias

BBC Radio takes a closer look:

Oliver Burkeman explores what it means to be a moderate, in an age when proclaiming to be a moderate is likely to annoy people on both sides of the political divide. He speaks with Damon Linker, a senior correspondent at, and an outspoken moderate in the USA about why his columns generate so much ire on both sides of the isle, but curiously enough moreso with the people he generally sides with. And why moderation is not apathetic, but deeply passionate, and often a very mentally taxing way of life. And he discovers a potential way to give people a method to open their minds to ideas from another side, with Daniel Ravner, and Israeli writer and creator of The Perspective, a website that show news stories from both sides, in an attempt to open minds and shatter filter bubbles that have such a profound effect on modern society.

The Death of Nuance - In Praise of Moderation - BBC Sounds

The 'media bias' of the journalist Damon Linker has been rated:

Damon Linker Media Bias | AllSides

Here he's writing a piece about someone else who tries to 'balance' views:

Biden's big Omicron gamble

Here's an interview with Daniel Ravner:

Daniel Ravner, CEO and founder of The Perspective - Oct. 22, 2017 - YouTube

And here's his website:

There are at least 2 Sides to Every Story - The Perspective




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