Sunday 12 September 2021

everyman in literature

Czech literature has its everyman:

The Good Soldier Švejk - Wikipedia

It started in English literature with morality plays in the Middle Ages:

Everyman (play) - Wikipedia

This Wikipedia article

Everyman - Wikipedia

... gives some good examples:

Winston Smith (Nineteen Eighty-Four) - Wikipedia

Dr. Watson - Wikipedia

Sherlock and John's First Meeting | A Study In Pink | Sherlock | BBC - YouTube

Arthur Dent - Wikipedia

MARTIN FREEMAN Funny Scene of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy🤣 - YouTube

Arthur meets Trillian - YouTube

Martin Freeman is the English Everyman | Comparative Geeks

Leopold Bloom - Wikipedia


The Narrator (Fight Club) - Wikipedia

Fight Club: Narrator's Weekdays (1999) [HD] - YouTube


The Everyman

Summary: The everyman character archetype often acts as the stand-in for the audience. This character archetype is just a normal person, but for some reason, he or she must face extraordinary circumstances. The everyman can be the protagonist or a supporting figure. Unlike the hero, the everyman does not feel a moral obligation to his or her task; instead, these characters often find themselves in the middle of something they have barely any control over. Unlike the hero, the everyman archetype isn't trying to make a great change or work for the common good: these characters are just trying to get through a difficult situation.

Examples of everyman archetypes in literature: Dr. John Watson is the epitome of the everyman archetype. Sidekick to the infamous Sherlock Holmes, Watson is perfectly content being Holmes' right-hand man. His plainness contrasts Holmes's eccentricities, and he is assumed to be on the same average level as the reader. Another example of the everyman archetype in literature is Arthur Dent of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. He's just a regular guy minding his own business when he's suddenly saved from the destruction of his entire planet. Normal dude, extraordinary circumstances.

5 Common Character Archetypes in Literature | Scribendi

Back to Czech literature:

Franz Kafka - Wikipedia

Here's a lesson plan:

Everyman Hero Definition | Everyman Examples


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