Saturday 14 August 2021

just enjoy learning a language!

Why do we learn a language?

While language learning often is linked to convenience or necessity, it can be enjoyed just for the experience of learning it. You only need time and patience. 

Is there any point in learning a lang  uage simply for the sake of knowing that language? - Quora

Maybe we should just learn a new language - simply in order to learn a new language. Here's a personal view - as it only can be:

Language for Language’s sake. | Dianoia

Here are some good lists on how to learn a new language:

How to learn a language in an hour a day - BBC Worklife

13 Ways to Seamlessly Integrate Language Learning into Your Daily Life | The Intrepid Guide

3 ways to trick your brain into learning a new language ‹ GO Blog | EF United States

And here's an earlier list on what we get out of learning a new language:

Jay Doubleyou: 34 unobvious benefits of learning a second language

A lot of it's about motivation:

Jay Doubleyou: motivation

Jay Doubleyou: what motivates us

Ultimately, though, the best motivation when learning anything is that is should be fun!

How to Enjoy Studying a New Language - The Linguist

Fun in Learning: Why Entertainment is Essential for Adult Education

Have fun!




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