Saturday 18 April 2020

how to learn any language in six months

From a TED Talk by Chris Lonsdale

Watched 21 million times:

There are five principles:

1) Focus on the language content that is relevant to you

2) Use your new language as a tool to communicate... from Day 1

3) When you first understand the message, then you will unconsciously acquire the language!
(= Krashen: comprehensible input)

4) It's physical! You need physiological training - what you can hear and what sounds you can make
('If your face is hurting, then you're doing it right!')

5) Psyho-physiological state matters!
(And you need to be tolerant of ambiguity)

There are 7 actions for rapid language acquisition:

1) Listen a lot: 'brain soaking'

2) Focus on getting the meaning first - before the words
= Use patterns you already know

3) Start mixing! Get creative!
eg: 10 verbs x 10 nouns x 10 adjectives = 1000 possible phrases!

4) Focus on the core
eg: 3000 English words = 95%
in Week 1: target questions, target language
in Weeks 2-3: pronouns, common verbs, adjectives
in Week 4: 'glue words' (and, but...)

5) Get a language parent
> works hard to understand what you're saying; doesn't correct mistakes; confirms understanding by using correct language; uses words the learner knows

6) Copy the face: get the muscles going

7) 'Direct connect' to imagery: same box (picture), different paths (language)

How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity - YouTube

Here's the script:


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