Sunday 14 July 2019

how to learn a language from 'superlinguists'

We can learn a lot about learning languages from people who have learnt a lot of languages:
Jay Doubleyou: how to learn 30 languages
Jay Doubleyou: 10 tips and tricks to pick up any language

We call these people 'polyglots':
Jay Doubleyou: polyglots
Jay Doubleyou: what can hyperpolyglots - people who can speak dozens of languages - teach the rest of us?

And a new BBC series on these people shows that we can learn something from them:

How to learn a language

Simon Calder asks how to go about acquiring a new tongue. He gets tips from those who know - innovative teachers and polyglots. 
The answers are surprising. At school, it is repetitive drills, shouted out loud by the whole class, that seem to lodge the grammar and pronunciation in the pupils’ brains. 
But if you are an adult learning by yourself, then, on the contrary, don’t stress about grammar and pronunciation, there are better, and more fun things to focus on. 
Simon has a go at learning Slovenian, can he order coffee and cake after just one lesson?

BBC World Service - The Documentary, The Superlinguists, How to learn a language

Here is Simon Calder writing in the Independent:
How learning languages can enrich the way we travel | The Independent
Why learning another language is more valuable than ever | The Independent

Finally, Peter Trudgill writes for the New European:
Peter Trudgill | Topic | The New European

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