Monday, 25 July 2022

education, education, education

the purpose of education:

> USA 1950s video: Jay Doubleyou: the purpose of education: from china to prussia to the united states

> Prussian factory system: to read: Jay Doubleyou: the prussian school system and the factory model of education

> John Taylor Gatto and FW Taylor: Jay Doubleyou: taylorism >>> and education; with video: Taylorism ABC World Report - YouTube

Learning by objectives: Jay Doubleyou: behaviourism >>> and learning objectives >>> and the common european framework


the case against education: 

> Pinky: The Pinky Show - Scary School Nightmare - YouTube and Jay Doubleyou: deschooling society

> Caplan: Jay Doubleyou: the case against education

> homework: Rockefeller: Jay Doubleyou: is the purpose of education 'social uplift' - or 'social control'?


the power of negative expectation:

> book and BBC: BBC Radio 4 - The Expectation Effect by David Robson - How your expectations can transform your life and one episode: BBC Radio 4 - The Expectation Effect by David Robson, Limitless Willpower

> Jane Elliot: Jay Doubleyou: jane elliott - brown eyes vs blue eyes; video plus intro: Jane Elliott Brown Eyes vs Blue Eyes 1 - YouTube; video plus subtitles: Jane Elliott “Blue Eyes - Brown Eyes” Experiment Anti-Racism - YouTube; documentary: A Class Divided - Brown Eyes Blue Eyes Experiment - YouTube

> Stanford Experiment: the movie: The Stanford Prison Experiment Official Trailer #1 (2015) Ezra Miller Thriller Movie HD - YouTube; the documentary: The Stanford Prison Experiment - YouTube

> homework: more Expectation Effect: BBC Sounds - The Expectation Effect by David Robson - Available Episodes


the alternatives for education:

> Homeschooling: Jay Doubleyou: homeschooling and deschooling

> Self-directed learning: Jay Doubleyou: self-directed education

> In India: Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education | TED Talk

> Getting outside and experimenting: Jay Doubleyou: tinkering school

> Socratic method: Jay Doubleyou: questioning and problem-solving




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