Wednesday 7 June 2023

idioms around death...

Maybe the best way to handle death is to laugh at it:

Monty Python - "Not Dead Yet" Scene (HD) - YouTube

How many idioms and slang words do you know for 'to die'?

List of expressions related to death - Wikipedia

Can you recognise any of these?

The EFL SMARTblog: Real English: Monty Python "Dead Parrot" Sketch - Idioms for "Dead" and "Broken"

They all come from what is perhaps the most famous Monty Python sketch:

Monty Python Dead Parrot - YouTube

To finish, a cartoon about someone who dies - with lots of idioms:

Symphony in Slang | Tex Avery Screwball | Warner Archive - YouTube (good quality but incomplete)

Symphony In Slang, Film (complete)

With a list of all the idioms here:

Jay Doubleyou: a symphony in slang: a classic cartoon full of idioms

And with much more here:

Jay Doubleyou: learning and teaching idioms




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