Tuesday 28 March 2023

what is 'woke'? part two

What does the word 'woke' mean?

Woke - Wikipedia

Woke Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Urban Dictionary: Woke

The word has become an ever-present part of the English-language landscape, with this piece from three years ago:

Jay Doubleyou: what is 'woke'?

The meaning and use of words changes over time:

Jay Doubleyou: the meaning and use of the word 'woman' is changing

And at the end of last year, the word 'woke' was being seen as one of the words of 2022:

The year woke broke: a brief history of a contested word - New Statesman

It has certainly excited a lot of interest as to where it came from:

Rod Liddle - The Feminist Roots of Woke: How The West Went Mad. THE NCF SMITH LECTURE 2022. - YouTube

Here's a look at the word by a historian:

Wokeness is a bad guide to history: An eagerness to put ourselves on the ‘right side’ is reassuring. But dragging the dead before a moral tribunal is pointless

And this month, BBC Radio looked at the history of the word: 

Matthew Syed traces the history of a term that's now synonymous with our era of angry debate.

BBC Radio 4 - Woke: The Journey of a Word

Woke: The Journey of a Word - 5. Where Woke Goes to Die - BBC Sounds

It's a very hot issue in Florida, where the Governor wants to bring in a 'law against woke':

I’m a USF senior and here’s why I sued to stop Florida’s Stop WOKE Act | Column




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