Friday 1 August 2014

fight club: how many film genres in one film?

There are several labels you can attach to a particular film:

Film Genres » Ipswich Community TV

Here are a couple of lists:
Main Film Genres
Most Popular by Genre - imdb
List of genres - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's a compilation of film reviews/articles from the Guardian:
Film genres A-Z | Film | The Guardian

In the UK, it's all about animation:

Animation has replaced action as the UK's favourite film genre for the first time.
Figures from the British Film Institute show British audiences are being drawn to the cinema in their millions for films such as Despicable Me 2, Disney's Frozen, Monsters University and The Croods, all of which were in the top 10 films at the UK box office last year.
Animation tops action as UK's favourite film genre for first time | Film | The Guardian

What genre is this? It's not always easy to work a film out from its trailer:

Fight club TRAILER - YouTube

In fact, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton were not happy with the trailer:

Marketing executives at 20th Century Fox faced difficulties in marketing Fight Club and at one point considered marketing it as an art film. They considered that the film was primarily geared toward male audiences because of its violence and believed that not even Pitt would attract female filmgoers. Research testing showed that the film appealed to teenagers. Fincher refused to let the posters and trailers focus on Pitt and encouraged the studio to hire the advertising firm Wieden+Kennedy to devise a marketing plan. The firm proposed a bar of pink soap with the title "Fight Club" embossed on it as the film's main marketing image; the proposal was considered "a bad joke" by Fox executives. Fincher also released two early trailers in the form of fake public service announcements presented by Pitt and Norton; the studio did not think the trailers marketed the film appropriately. Instead, the studio financed a $20 million large-scale campaign to provide a press junket, posters, billboards, and trailers for TV that highlighted the film's fight scenes. The studio advertised Fight Club on cable during World Wrestling Federation broadcasts, which Fincher protested, believing that the placement created the wrong context for the film.[46] Linson believed that the "ill-conceived one-dimensional" marketing by marketing executive Robert Harper largely contributed to Fight Club's lukewarm box office performance in the United States.[51]

Fight Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Have a look at these 'public service announcements' and other publicity material which the actors and director preferred:
Deliver Me - YouTube

The problem is when a film can't be easily classified...

What Genre(s) Would You Consider Fight Club To Be? 

I am currently doing an assignment about the film Fight Club and am stuck on what genre the film would be considered as. Though I do know it would be more than one. Help would be appreciated

Best Answer
  • Jeffy. answered 5 years ago
It doesn't matter what anyone thinks.

The film is listed as a Drama / Mystery / Thriller.
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Other Answers (5)

Rated Highest
  • Happy Hiram answered 5 years ago
    It is a psychological thriller. too slow to be an action movie, too dark to be a romance, too slow to be a screwball comedy.
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  • Mechanic. answered 5 years ago
    It has an essence of Noir in terms of the subjects of the movie. Thriller maybe and a darker version of Drama, it has psychological and philisophical aspects (probably the two major aspects of the book/film) but I'm not sure if you could call them Genres.
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  • WoahBaby answered 5 years ago
    drama. i mean this is where i would find the movie in the dvd section at best
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  • wrestling star answered 5 years ago
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  • IfAnyoneFalls answered 5 years ago
    i LOVE that movie, number one, drama/action/mystery..... helena bonham carter was in it! only reason i watched it............ enjoy it!

What Genre(s) Would You Consider Fight Club To Be?

Here are a couple of other ways to see it:
Interpretations of Fight Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fight Club: Mischief. Consumerism. Soap.

The film asks the question: What is it to be a man in today's society?
Jay Doubleyou: exploring gender: masculinity and 'fight club'
Remaining Men Together: Fight Club and the (Un)pleasures of Unreliable Narration – Offscreen
Masculine Identity in the Service Class: An Analysis of Fight Club

Or is it a love story? This is an interpretation by a film student:


Published on 1 Oct 2012
This was for an assignment to alter the perception or genre of a movie trailer. I chose to make Fight Club into a romantic drama with 'Jack' loving Tyler to switch up a classic love triangle.
I do not own the rights, this was school related.
The song is the same one as what the original trailer used: Where is My Mind? By the Pixies.

fight club trailer genre change - YouTube

Is it  a discourse on corporate power?
FilmEdu - Film Studies Teaching & Learning Resources

It's certainly a critical look at consumerism:

IKEA in Fight Club - YouTube
AS and A2 Film Studies: "Fight Club' and the Ikea information consumerism scene
Fight Club Ikea Catalogue Scene — Critical Commons

It looks seriously at 'primitivism':
Anarcho Primitivism Shelf
The bias I share with Tyler Durden. | The Practical Primitivist

There's the idea of 'transgression'...
Transgression in Theory: The Idea of a Fight Club | LitReactor

How about this for a 'genre'?
Essay on Fight Club on The Genre of the Personal Apocalypse

etc, etc...
Fight Club - Mad World - YouTube
Nature Reclaims Civilization Slideshow (Anne Frank & Fight club quote. The end - Vanessa Carlton) - YouTube

This is a brilliant look at the film - in the form of a video to the Dust Brothers' number
- but WARNING: it contains several spoilers and a lot of blood:

Fight Club - This Is Your Life - HQ - YouTube
Fight Club ✖ This Is Your Life - video - Dailymotion

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