Monday 4 December 2023

giving a presentation about your favourite sport

How can we talk about sport in an interesting and engaging way?

Jay Doubleyou: football and poetry

Jay Doubleyou: sport and history

Let's take boxing.

Firstly, we need to create some sort of structure:

1: history 2: rules/equipment 3: countries 4: lifestyle/training/celebrities 5: popular sport 6: championships

Then we need to do some research:

Boxing - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ancient Greek boxing - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How much of it is 'propaganda' and how useful is it?

A look at the history of boxing in Saudi Arabia | Arab News

How many 'controversial topics' will you look at?

Why are Muslim Men Dominating UFC and Boxing? - YouTube

Are videos useful?

A Brief History of Boxing and the Muscles Used - YouTube

How much detail do you need?

Boxing - Wikipedia

For example:

Bare-knuckle boxing - Wikipedia

Broughton Rules - Wikipedia

London Prize Ring Rules - Wikipedia

Marquess of Queensberry Rules - Wikipedia

If you want to keep a non-expert audience interested, what can you show them?

Boxing Highlights TV - YouTube

famous boxing matches - Google Search

And what would be your conclusion or summary?

And how would you handle the Q&As?





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