Wednesday 1 November 2023

how brands evolve

What is brand evolution?

Brand Evolution in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities

How do brands evolve?

Chris Moody on How Brands Evolve - YouTube

What are the choices?

Rebrand vs Brand Evolution: Which is Better for Your Brand?

Advertising and brands are very much connected:

The History of Advertising in 60 Seconds - YouTube

Here's more from the early days about the creation of a brand's identity - as suggested by an advertising agency in Madison Avenue, New York in the 1960s:

Mad Men 11 Lucky Strike - YouTube

With more on Lucky Strike here:

Jay Doubleyou: propaganda, public relations and manufacturing consent

Edward Bernays 1: Torches of Freedom - YouTube

Here's a very controversial ad - identifying the company with a modern protest movement:

Gillette's 'We believe: the best men can be' razors commercial takes on toxic masculinity - YouTube

Gillette #MeToo ad: Does being 'woke' pay off? | DW News - YouTube

Brands have always tried to tap into the culture of the time:

Study: Brand evolution a must in pro-pop culture landscape | Regent's University London

Prof says why Understanding Branding is Demanding - in Spoken Word and Rhyme - YouTube

Here's a critical look at the process:

How Apple and Nike have branded your brain | Your Brain on Money | Big Think - YouTube

Funnily enough, it "includes paid promotion":

Watching videos with paid product placements, sponsorships and endorsements - YouTube Help

Finally, how are brands evolving now?

Why Companies Are 'Debranding' - YouTube




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