Sunday 1 September 2019

culture mix: germany

Germany, as with many places, is in the middle of fierce debates about its identity:
Jay Doubleyou: culture wars

At least Germany is ready to confront its past honestly:
Jay Doubleyou: in britain we use our history in order to comfort us: this sort of handling of history is dangerous as well as regrettable.
Jay Doubleyou: world war one and poppies
Jay Doubleyou: rewriting history
Jay Doubleyou: the first world war: triumph and pride ... or ... tragedy and sorrow?

And they continue to be very aware of how the past can be repeated:
Jay Doubleyou: the wave: lessons in manipulation

And yet the Germans did not invent the modern propaganda machine:
Jay Doubleyou: propaganda, public relations and manufacturing consent

Here's a history of Germany through objects:
Jay Doubleyou: telling stories about the germans on the bbc

Vorsprung durch Technik:
Jay Doubleyou: neets - again
Jay Doubleyou: energy: by 2026 100% of german houses will be zero energy consumers... in the uk it will be under 5%.

However, the Germans have exported a very efficient (over-efficient?) education system:
Jay Doubleyou: we are much more than problem-solvers
Jay Doubleyou: the purpose of education: from china to prussia to the united states

A bit of humour:
Jay Doubleyou: "drunk stupid brits"
Jay Doubleyou: british vs german humour

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