Wednesday 25 February 2015


local schemes:
Futures Forum: Sidmouth Hotels
Futures Forum: Otter Brewery
Futures Forum: SVEAG: an anaerobic digestion project
Futures Forum: Fish Fight
Futures Forum: Otter Rotters: Stop community composting being crippled by disproportionate government agency fees
Futures Forum: Recycling plastics in East Devon: meeting in Honiton: report
Futures Forum: "New state of the art recycling centre for Sidmouth area"
Futures Forum: Big belly bins come to Sidmouth
Futures Forum: Sidmouth and sewage
Futures Forum: Exeter's Materials Recovery Facility: "waste as a saleable commodity"
Futures Forum: "Getting the most from waste in Devon"

general issues:
Futures Forum: Recycling plastics in England: 5p per bag
Futures Forum: The End of Plastic
Futures Forum: District heating systems run on waste... from Scandanavia
Futures Forum: What are the most efficient forms of energy? ... It might not be just a question of how to generate power the best way ... By 2026 100% of German houses will be zero energy consumers. In the UK it will be under 5%.
Futures Forum: The plastics industry is "incredibly supportive of recycling legislation over a more long-term… reduction of disposable culture."
Futures Forum: The Story of Stuff: "You cannot run a linear system on a finite planet indefinitely"
Futures Forum: The techno-fix ... Can we engineer our way out of environmental catastrophe? Or .......... Can we 'design for the real world'?
Futures Forum: The alternatives to plastic
Futures Forum: Peak oil, peak soil, peak water... peak everything
Futures Forum: Slavoj Žižek: on there being "no metaphysical 'beyond' to put our waste" ..... on "the crisis of late capitalism" ..... and on "the comforting mythology of the recycling industry."
Futures Forum: Sustainable food production and consumption
Futures Forum: How sustainable is the construction industry? ... 'Concrete is responsible for 7-10% of CO2 emissions' ... 'The industry must shift its emphasis beyond recycling and towards reuse'
Futures Forum: "The greenest building is the one standing" >>>>>>>>> Why do developers prefer to demolish buildings than renovate them?
Futures Forum: The Water, Energy and Food Nexus
Futures Forum: Planned Obsolescence: and The Men Who Made Us Spend

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