Monday 5 May 2014

what, which and that

A great quote from 'Fight Club':
Jay Doubleyou: exploring gender: masculinity and 'fight club'

the ability to let that which does not matter truly slide Facebook Quote Cover #23217
Fight Club (1999) - Quotes - IMDb

We have several alternative ways of saying the same thing:
> The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.
> The ability to let the thing which does not matter truly slide.
> The ability to let the thing that does not matter truly slide.
> The ability to let what does not matter truly slide.

"That which" or "what"?
In the following example, is it better to write "that which" or "what"?
The agency will determine what or that which is reasonable.

Michael Swan, author of Practical English Usage (1995), was the only one among the various authors consulted who had anything to say on this subject. Swan considersthat which to be an older form of what. In fact, he says that the form that which is very unusual in modern English. However, a search in Google shows that there are over 1.5 million hits for that which; surely, that many sources can't be completely off the mark!
It's really a question of style, so be sure to take into account the tone and the level of language you are aiming for. That which isn't wrong, it's just more formal. If you're striving for a lighter writing style, stick with what.

As for the confusion between 'who', 'which' and 'that', the British Council is very helpful:
English Grammar | LearnEnglish | British Council | relative clauses

Here are some excellent exercises - scroll down to the bottom:
Relative Clauses

And here's something more complicated: 'which' and 'who' with prepositions!
Learning English | BBC World Service

There is another area where students get confused: when to use 'which sandwich' or 'what sandwich'. Again from the BBC:

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