Wednesday 14 August 2013

using bbc learning english - vocab pt4

Perhaps my favourite section from this website is 'The Teacher':

Learning English - The Teacher

He's very silly but really makes you want to watch to see what he has to say.
And he has a lot to say about idioms.
Idioms - what exactly are they?
These are phrases which paint a picture - but perhaps in a very different way to how you'd do it in your own language.
For example, do you know any idioms around the word 'drive'?

Transport idioms: Drive

The Teacher


In this episode The Teacher introduces you to three idioms connected with driving:
1. In the driver's seat
2. A backseat driver
3. A Sunday driver

Learning English - The Teacher - Transport idioms: Drive

And there's a video, with the text and audio to download - plus a very animated set of comments.

But what's really useful for learners is getting hold of lots of 'fixed phrases' for use in conversation.

We've seen how 'The Flatmates' works, with lots and lots of popular dialogues:
Learning English - The Flatmates

And this is so popular, it's now on YouTube:

▶ The Flatmates episode 204, from BBC Learning English - Final Episode - YouTube

Here we have a lot of useful tips on the 'How To' section:
Learning English - How to...

How to ... conversation

Useful language for when you're chatting
  • Conversations
    extending a conversation, closing topics, talking about things you like ... more

BBC World Service | Learning English | How To

But the BBC has a lot of other stuff.

Can you answer this question?
BBC News - How many hours does it take to be fluent in English?

This is to help young people speak better:
BBC - GCSE Bitesize - Speaking and listening
BBC - Schools Ages 4-11 - Literacy Sites

Here we have real people in conversation: what kind of language do they use?
BBC - Radio 4 The Listening Project - Home

And here we have a wonderful example of a conversation to music:
BBC - Film Network - Films - Conversation Piece

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