Saturday 9 March 2013

borders crossed by poetry

register pt2

Simon Armitage takes us through the mysterious aisles of magic at Poundland:

There's a poem in this programme from Simon Armitage called, Poundland. It is quite simply - exquisite. and - Simon Armitage once said someone bought a book of poems by Ezra Pound, in Poundland, for - a pound!

There's a poem in... | Facebook

Borders Met and Crossed


Adventures in strong language - performed and from the page - introduced by a master of poetic ceremonies, Paul Farley. Borders - met and crossed - are the theme of the day. The River Styx where the dead arrive and the shape-shifting places where people become other animals are among the subjects. Jo Shapcott, James Lasdun and Simon Armitage come to the edge and shout their poems across.

BBC Radio 4 - The Echo Chamber, Borders Met and Crossed



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