This blog came across the 'shadowing technique' for the first time back in 2012:
Jay Doubleyou: speaking fluently
And that was from Julian Kitagawa/Northbrook:
Doing English with Julian Northbrook (PhD)
And he has posted some great videos on shadowing:
English Speaking Practice | How to improve your English Speaking and Fluency: SHADOWING - YouTube
Which is Better: Shadowing or Repeating? - YouTube
Here's an update from 2017 with a few other links:
Jay Doubleyou: the shadowing technique
And again from 2022:
Jay Doubleyou: shadowing
Here's a video, also from 2022, from another 'language expert', Hadar Shemesh
Do you use shadowing when practicing English?
Shadowing is one of the best ways to improve your English speaking skills as it helps improve pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary. It can also help you improve unconsciously things like rhythm, stress, grammar, and more.
Sounds like fun, no?
But, it can also be a WASTE OF TIME!
Without proper guidance, it’s easy to fall into the trap of practicing it in an ineffective way! And then you won’t be seeing the results you COULD be seeing.
👉 If you’ve been using the shadowing technique for a while, in this episode you’ll discover the biggest mistake people make when shadowing, and also learn a bunch of other tips to optimize your practice 💪
👉 If you have no idea what shadowing is - this video is definitely for you as you’ll learn about one of the best practice techniques, and how to do it right!
🔥🔥I collected a list with all the best apps and resources for shadowing, for you! You can get it here
Shadowing Technique in English: are you wasting your time? - YouTube
With more of her very engaging videos here:
Accent's Way English with Hadar - YouTube
Here's another look - seeing which technique is better:
SHADOWING or REPEAT - Which is best? - YouTube
And here's a very good suggestion:
Shadowing has become popular with English learners. It's a method where you listen and repeat. You continue listening while you're speaking.
The biggest problem I see with this method is that you can end up with issues with your pronunciation.
You end up mumbling as you try to keep up with the natural audio.
A good test is to record yourself while shadowing. If you sound good, continue doing it. If not...
... try this instead:
1. Listen to an English phrase.
2. Repeat the phrase and record your voice.
3. Compare your version with the original.
4. Make any changes you need to make.
5. Get long-term repetition
Shadowing: Can This Method Help You Speak English Fluently? - YouTube
Try these methods - focussing on your own pronunciation - and they should really help you speak both more fluently and with more confidence!